intention setting for a new year
Before you begin this intention setting practice, please get a notebook, pen and find a quiet, comfortable place to sit.
We'll start this practice with a meditation, followed by journaling and finish it by creating a mantra to take with you through the new year.
Please find a comfortable seat.
As you fee ready, allow your eyes to close.
Take some deep breaths encouraging your breath to move up and down the length of your spine.
Draw your shoulders blades toward each other onto your back body.
Let your face relax and allow your tongue to fall from the roof of your mouth.
Feel your sit bones root down into the earth and breathe long through your spine.
As you feel ready, start to think about the previous year. Notice what come sup for you.
Don't judge it or try to change it, just notice. Then, as yourself the following questions:
-In general, how did I feel over the last year?
-What were the highs/lows, the good/bad?
-In the previous year was in creation phase for me? What did I manifest in the last year?
-What was in entertainment phase? In full bloom. What was going well?
-What did I let go of last year? What did I allow to dissolve to let something else grow anew?
Acknowledge and honor each one of your answers.
Then you look forward to the upcoming year asking yourself the following questions:
-What feeling(s) do I want to let go of this year?
-What feeling(s) do I want to continue/want more of this year?
-What feeling(s) do I want to create this year?
Acknowledge and honor each one of your answers.
Come back to the feeling you want to create this year and notice where that feeling resides in your body. Place your hands there. Direct the awareness of your breath to where your placed your hands.
Slowly open your eyes allowing the light of the room to come into your vision.
Locate your journal and pen. Stream of Consciousness Journal (continue writing even if you don't know what do write) on the following:
-What are my key learnings from last year?
-This year I want to let go of_____.
-This year I want to continue_____.
-This year I want to manifest/create_____.
-This year I want to feel_____.
Read what you just wrote then sum it up into 1-2 sentences.
Read your summary looking for a word/feeling that stands out. It will likely be closely aligned with your answer to how you want to feel this year. Take that feeling/word and create an "I AM___" statement. This statement with be your mantra for the new year.
Write your I AM statement down on a clean piece of paper and place it where you will regularly come into contact with it so it can remind you.
If you want to infuse your mala with your mantra, second half of the following blog with instruct you through that process.